Rapid Exams

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Get the Results Quickly and Accurately With T-Cup Drug Test


Drug test is the examination of the biological specimen such as urine, saliva, hair or sweat to detect the presence of specific drugs and determine prior drug use. Drug tests may be performed to detect illicit drug use as well as the use of drugs and substances not permitted in specific occupations or athletic competitions. Due to increased uses of the drug screening the drug screening kits or cups are increasing day by day. The Drug screening cups are the best drug screening kits due to their easy use and accurate result.

Urine drug testing is the best and most accurate method of drug testing. T-cup drug test allows you to test for various drugs. T-cup drug screen test can be single panel or multi panel. In multi panel drug test you can detect more than one drug with a single sample at a single time. The T-cup drug test is used for both specimen collection and testing, simultaneously. It comes with a tamper proof seal, temperature sensor, id label, slotted lid, etc. Handling is easy with the help from web-based training and certification procedures for this method.

 The T-cup drug screen test can identify both prescription and illegal drug abuse level and the best thing is you can get your result at home in just five minutes. . The T-Cup is a sturdy, sterile testing cup with a sealed no-leak lid. It has the test strips built into the cup, so the process is quick and easy and does not require a stick to be dipped into the specimen.

 T-cup drug screen test detects the most commonly used drugs. The T-cup drug test is manufactured for accuracy, ease of use while maintaining competitive pricing. The T-cup drug screen test also includes a sealed no-leak cap which prevents leakage. The T-cup drug test can be used for synchronal and qualitative detection of most of the parent drugs or their metabolites found in human urine. It provides the easy result with an easy to read visual panel immunoassay.

Testing the drugs in any lab or clinics can be messy and expensive. Rapid exams offers sizeable discount on the T-cup drug tests which can be used at home and can give a consistent and accurate result instantly. Get results quickly with these T-cup drug test cups.